Mini Can of Play Doh

Click to get Mini Can of Play Doh Item ID: #3533
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Play Doh is one of nature's finest creations. It's bright colors and unmistakable scent will take you back to your childhood as screams of joy and laughter fill the air. Remember when you put some Play Doh in the television set? Remember when you ate a chunk? Remember when it came out? These Mini Cans are all you'll ever need to have fun again. You can pop the top and squish the Doh when things are rough and you need a little release. Finger the Doh when you want to make a dinosaur figure for your cat, Prince, to attack. No one will get half as angry when they find out that you've even made Prince a warrior suit out of Play Doh. The possibilities are endless so start squishing.

- One 3 oz. Can per Order.
- Colors are: Pink, Blue, Yellow and Green. We'll pick one but we'll give you diferent colors if you order several.

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